Australia needs to make better use of its existing economic and social infrastructure, and to find ways to increase capital spending on removing backlogs and adding capacity in new infrastructure, to keep pace with population growth and economic opportunity. Federal, State and Local Government budgets are challenged to meet the growing needs and expectations of the community. Good planning and efficient delivery of infrastructure projects are more necessary than ever. In recent years, there has been progress in establishing more uniform frameworks for investment in infrastructure and more rigour in the ranking, business case evaluation and funding of public infrastructure. However, despite large areas of agreement between various governments, public sector agencies and private sector participants, the backlog of projects remains. The importance and benefits of finding ways to better engage and reward private investment is becoming better recognised, but there is some way to go to fully mobilise the private sector in infrastructure.
DJG & Associates is offering services to both public sector agencies and private sector participants to develop and delive new investment projects. DJG has experience in most forms of public infrastructure, including: complex building facilities, public rail transit, highways, tollways, ports, water supply and treatment, waste management, treatment and recycling, dams, irrigation and energy facilities. DJG can help in a number of ways.
Public Sector
DJG can assist in providing independent, experienced and objective advice, including review of planning, strategy and business plans and in providing program management expertise through all stages of the project cycle.
Services include:
- Program strategy development
- Project pipeline review
- Preparation and evaluation of business cases
- Review of options for project delivery, providing clarity for both the public and private sectors
- Planning, environmental and statutory approvals in the relevant jurisdictions
- Preparation and review of technical and related briefs and scopes of work for service providers and contractors
- Roles in project execution, monitoring and compliance, and
- Provision of specialist staff for short and long-term roles
- Acting as the “Owner’s Engineer” in project delivery
Private sector
DJG has experience in all forms of private sector project delivery and can assist investors, the finance industry, service providers, consultants, construction contractors and operations and maintenance contractors. These services can assist participants in their relationships with governments, finding their comparative advantage, building competitive teams, assisting with tender responses, negotiation and implementation. Specific services include:
- Identification and business development strategy for a short list of target prospects
- Assistance in building relationships with Government and other stakeholders
- Assistance with risk identification, quantification, sharing and mitigation
- Contract review and tender support
- Tender review, gap analysis, and response comprehensiveness
- Team building with compatible firms and individuals
- Provision of independent review and certification services to financiers and investors
- Review of approval obligations, schedule, and compliance impacts, and
- Project execution and commissioning review processes
DJG can provide a multi-disciplinary team or specialists to fit into a client team for short or long term roles. These services may commence at the project identification stage, continue during the strategy, go/no go and financing phase when a team is being put together, provide support during the tender process, and in either a formal project role or advisory role during execution and commissioning.
DJG would be pleased to discuss in confidence the way we can help your organisation.